The Project
The Nassau County Department of Public Works needed a complete upgrade to their boiler equipment. This included replacement of existing:
- Boilers
- Burners
- Fuel oil pump set
- Lead/lag panel
- Pumps
- Expansion tank
- Air separator
For a job of this size and complexity, the experts at ATI were the natural choice to develop a solution that met the facility’s needs and kept the department’s fiscal responsibility to the taxpayers of Nassau County in mind. ATI has a proven track record of working with municipalities, counties, and other governmental agencies.
The Challenge
The primary challenge (aside from equipment replacement needs) was the lack of accessibility to the equipment area. There was no elevator access, and no direct access to the equipment room from outside.
The doors at the end of a stairway provided the only access to the equipment area:
Additionally, the new equipment would need to be reconfigured. The existing layout made space limited and servicing difficult:
The Solution
ATI devised an ideal total solution in a boiler and pump package uniquely addressing each of the challenges presented.
The new equipment package consisted of:
- Weil-McLain 88 Series Hydronic boilers with Power Flame Gas/#2 Oil Burners
- Weil-McLain Master Lead/Lag Outdoor Reset Control Panel with BACnet communication to interface with the existing building control system.
- Armstrong Design Envelope 25 HP Base Mount End Suction Pumps with Sensorless VFD’s installed to vary flow required to heat the offices and vehicle repair garage.
The equipment was transported in sections down the available stairwell. New pads were poured, and the equipment was repositioned in the boiler room placing the pumps to the right of the boilers.
The new equipment improved the facility’s energy consumption, reduced the carbon footprint, and integrated seamlessly with the existing BMS to monitor and control operations.
The Armstrong pumps come equipped with high-efficiency NEMA-premium motors to significantly reduce energy costs.
The Weil-McLain boilers achieve 85.6% thermal efficiency and offer LEED compliance.